Trail Life
Troop VA-1232
Trail Life USA partners with churches and parents across America as the premier national character development organization for young men which produces the next generation of godly and responsible husbands, fathers, and citizens. In over 750 churches in nearly 50 states, fathers and sons are connecting, relationships are deepening, and legacies are beginning as a new generation of godly leaders rises up.
Join the Movement!
Riverside Church is proud to bring Troop VA-1232 to our are! We are committed to creating a Christ-centered environment, while teaching young men life skills and preparing them for adulthood.
Boys on the Woodlands Trail, Kindergarten through 5th grade, gain knowledge about outdoor skills, citizenship, character, friendship, and faith through fun activities, awards, and skill instruction.
As Navigators, boys in grades 6-8 gain an understanding of their values and beliefs under the guidance of godly male role models through being responsible in outdoor adventures and in their home and school life. They explore areas of interest and earn Trail Badges for advancement.
As Adventurers, young men in 9-12th grades mature in wisdom and faith through more difficult challenges and leadership activities with Christian men walking alongside. They plan and lead outdoor events and large projects while exercising leadership positions in the Troop, even mentoring some of the younger Trailmen.

Freedom Award
Freedom Award is the highest award in Trail Life USA. It is an achievement accomplished by the few who reach the apex of the Trail Life USA program.

“Walk Worthy”
Colossians 1:10 “… that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;…”

On my honor,
I will do my best
To serve God and my country;
To respect authority;
To be a good steward of creation; And to treat others
as I want to be treated